Driving Simulator

Institute of Driving Training & Research is equipped with a heavy motor vehicle driving simulator with motion platform and a light motor vehicle driving simulator with static platform. The driving simulator training with their good scenario control modules can teach a range of cognitive skills required to deal with complex roadway and traffic conditions including appropriate situation awareness, hazard perception, decision making under time pressure and general defensive driving techniques.

Training the driver in a simulator is the strongest medium that is capable of engaging all his senses. It gives the driver a dynamic experience on his mind that prevails for a long time in his memory. Through simulator training we may find out permanent impression of his mistakes made and impart remedial measures through this simulator training.

About IDTR

IDTR promotes road safety with focus on training of drivers. Driver training develops right attitude towards healthy driving habits which will bring down the accident rate in the country. Training will be conducted by well trained driving instructors to impart practical, systematic and scientific driver training.